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Celotex PL4000 Insulated Plasterboard Boards

Celotex PL4000 Insulated Plasterboard Boards

Regular price £57.76
Regular price £48.62 Sale price £57.76
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**Minimum order value of £300 applies, excluding taxes**

A thermal laminate product featuring 12.5mm tapered edge plasterboard bonded to a high performance, rigid polyisocyanurate (PIR) insulation board, PL4000 reduces installation time by combining thermal insulation and an internal lining in one operation.

Suitable for use in new build and refurbishment projects, PL4000 can be fixed across the face of timber frame studs, or joists and rafters in pitched and cold (ventilated) flat roofs. It can also be fixed to the internal face of existing solid walls or cavity walls to upgrade their thermal performance.

With Celotex PL4000 you are specifying a multi purpose insulation board that:
  • Offers the user the ability to install both the insulation and plasterboard in one operation thus reducing installation times
  • Is suitable for both direct bonding (‘dot and dab’) and mechanically fixed installation techniques
  • Offers the installer maximum flexibility and installation speed due to the tapered edge plasterboard
  • Provides reliable long-term energy savings for buildings
  • Is suitable for both new build and refurbishment projects
  • Can be easily used to upgrade to current building regulation standards
  • Can be used in pitched roof, flat roof and wall applications
Suitable for use with all cavity masonry wall constructions and some solid walls and, as well as timber frame walls. The boards are handled and fixed as with standard plaster board methods.

Product Application

Celotex PL 4000 Dry lining Boards, for Plaster Dab / Adhesive Bonding

Celotex PL 4000 Range Performance insulated PIR boards laminated to plasterboard

Internal dry–lining Celotex 4000 insulated plasterboard, is an insulated wallboard laminate ideal for use in plaster dab bonded dry–lining applications.


Premium performance rigid phenolic insulation –
Thermal conductivity 0.020 - 0.022 W/mK.
Insulation, dry-lining and vapour control in one board.
Negligible smoke obscuration.
Class O / low risk fire rating.
Little encroachment of room space.
Energy saving – allows quick response heating.

Celotex PL 4000 boards . Technical spec. Performance ( r value compared with K17)

What is surprising is that Celotex a cheaper board compares very favourably with Kingspan in terms of R value ( thermal resistance)

Product Code

Thickness mm Combined. R value Weight Kingspan K17 Compared R Value
PL 4025 25+12.5 1.20 9.06 K17 37.5mm 1.15
PL4040 40+12.5 1.85 9.52 K17 52.5mm 1.80
PL4045 45+12.5 2.10 9.67 K17 57.5mm 2.20
PL4050 50+12.5 2.30 9.83 K17 62.5mm 2.40
PL4060 60+12.5 2.75 10.01 K17 72.5mm 2.90
PL4065 65+12.5 3.00 10.03 K17 77.5mm 3.00
R-Value = Thermal Resistance m2.K/w.


Cutting should be carried out either by using a fine toothed saw, or by scoring with a sharp knife, snapping the board over a straight edge and then cutting the facing on the other side.
Ensure accurate trimming to achieve close butting joints and continuity of insulation.
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